Need A Hand? Dad's Your Best Choice!


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It’s Rent-A-Dad!

Rent-A-Dad. For Those Times Only a Dad Will Do


Sometimes you have something you need help with. The kind of thing your Dad would do with you, or for you. Or would if you had that kind of Dad. Moving? Putting together furniture? Negotiating a car loan, or an apartment lease, or a home purchase? Maybe you’ve got a problem with a website (yeah … DAD can help … imagine!). We’re Rent A Dad®, and we’re here for you. Rent A Dad is your personal helper !

Rent-A-Dad Jeff Yablon at Citi Field. Let's Go Mets!

What We Offer

Rent-A-Dad Helps With ...


Money Stuff...Finance

Remember that great place you grew up? Or Dad’s car? Ready for your own but not quite sure how to deal with all the sharks trying to eat your money? Buy, lease, or just brainstorm, nobody handles money better than Dad. View Full Detail


Computers and All Your ...Technology

Got a web site you need help with? Maybe a complex spreadsheet that could use a few formula tweaks or graphs added? Trying to pull together a meeting or event? These are Dad Tasks. Rent-a-Dad..View Full Detail


Dad Never Stops ...More!

Dad Handles Tasks
Moving? Decorating an apartment or trying to build furniture? Need help tweaking your résumé or editing a report? You know Dad would be there for you … and now you have Rent-a-Dad. Let’s talk.
View Full Detail

So Many Choices, So Little Time (and that’s the point)

Dad Helps With ...


He’s DAD, so just about anything…


Make This Happen:

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People Love Rent-A-Dad !

When Dance Move Daily needed website direction, PC-VIP’s The Website Helpers was there. When we changed course The Web Site Helpers was there for us again. And as we evolve, we’ll rely on The Web Site Helpers to keep Dance Move Daily on the right course.

Billy Schultz

Principal, Dance Moves Daily

The Answer Guy is always there for us, and always has just the right solution when we need a hand with a tweak on our website. From design to strategy to maintenance, The Answer Guy handles it all!

Laara Raynier

Celebrity Hair Stylist, Mastercutter Academy

Wow. Jeff and his team manage everything, so we can concentrate on making LaunchModule a success. And I mean everything, with no hassles, for one monthly fee. We don’t worry about the guts of our website, our technology, or our business, anymore!

Erik Johnson

Chief Executive Officer, Launch Module

How Can Rent-A-Dad Help YOU?

With Pretty Much Anything; he's Dad!

But think along these lines

Yup. 40 Years

That's how long Dad has been Dadding. Need a hand? Just ask!

House Hunting

New Place? New Car? Need Negotiating Help? Done.

Let's Talk Tech

It's Technology. Somehow it keeps getting harder, not easier. Dad's been at it forever

Building Stuff

Got a bunch of flat-pack you need built? Dad's done that ... for ... decades!

Big-Ticket Shopping

Shopping for a car? Electronics? A Wedding Ring? Rent-A-Dad can be your guide

Writing and Editing

Dad does media. New school, but old-school too. Need Editing help? Dad.

Moving. It's Hard!

No one schleps like Dad, or knows how to play Tetris in a truck better.

The Personal Touch

Parenting too hard? Relationships blowing up? Ask Dad ...

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence questions? Rent-a-Dad has your answers!

Contact Rent A Dad

We Serve Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens in NYC

More locations coming!

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