Digital Ransom Takes Many Forms It sounds almost silly to even bother saying that, right? We get story after story about Rootkits, Spyware, and the like, so “Digital Ransom Takes Many Forms” (almost) deserves to be taken with a giant Ho-Hum, amiright?...
The next time you buy something from … anyone, Rent A Dad wants you to ask yourself a question: Who’s The Customer? It’s a genuinely interesting question. If you buy something (let’s ignore the many meanings of the word “buy” in the...
We live in an era of labels. Mostly, that’s a bad thing. Sure, there’s a value to having a label or labels to assign to some things just so you have an idea what they “are”, but very few things can actually be constrained that way. And when we...
There’s an old saying that businesspeople rely on: Nothing’s Personal, It’s All Just Business. Uh-huh. As our sister entity Answer Guy Central says, there are limits to that idea. Here at Rent-A-Dad we take it further; It’s ALL Personal. As Dad...
You likely have no idea who Fred Wilson is. That’s OK; unless you’re steeped in the ways of Venture Capital you have no reason to know Fred. So a post titled as “Fred Wilson Comments” might have you scratching your head; what’s Rent-A-Dad...
You may shop there. You may love it. Even so, and even if the idea behind the words is part of why you do you’ve probably never considered something: Trader Joe’s is Different. It might seem strange that we’d be talking about Trader Joe’s at...